Rabu, Maret 25, 2009

Dessy Ayu Wardana

Nama : Dessy Ayu Wardana ( AwE )
Kelas : XII IPA 3
Alamat : JL]ln. Soetoyo S. Komplek Garuda No.53 Rt. 42, Banjarmasin
TTL : Banjarmasin, 28 Desember 1990
No HP : 085751065030
E-mail : essygoing@yahoo.com
Pesan-kesan :
Everyday we have fun, me & u.
So happy to be here with The Laspagahas (XII IPA 3) and PKBR and all of you.
This family is forever.
Friends no matter what =)
---deSsy A.w

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